Infinity Tower Update 0.0.86

Greetings adventurers,

We’re here with the latest update, Patch 0.0.86, and we have some exciting new features to share with you! We want to be transparent about the current state of the game, so while we’re thrilled to introduce these additions, we also acknowledge that some aspects are still under development and require further refinement. Here’s a rundown of what’s included:


We’ve added the foundation of the HUB and upgrade systems, which are essential components for your future meta-progression. As we continue to develop and refine these systems, you’ll gain more control over your character’s growth and the game’s overall depth.

With win/loss conditions now in place, we’re setting the groundwork for more challenging and meaningful experiences in the future. However, we’re aware that the balance might not be perfect yet, and we’ll be actively collecting your feedback to improve it.

The addition of a few example rooms gives you a glimpse into the potential variety and excitement that awaits in our dungeon. Please bear in mind that these are early examples, and we have ambitious plans to expand the room design as development progresses.

We’re actively working on improving our combat system, but we know there’s still room for refinement.

While exploring our currently small game world, you may encounter some minor issues with collision detection that we’re actively addressing.

We have added the objective system, to make a goal of each level clear.

The new Boss Goblin and boss room are exciting additions, offering a glimpse of the epic battles we envision for you. However, they are currently in the early stages of development, and we appreciate your understanding that they will be further polished and expanded in future updates.

The Sword Master and Armorsmith upgrades - are just the beginning of our meta-progression system - we look forward to unveiling more details as they take shape.

Finally, saving and loading game state and statistics have been implemented, allowing you to save your progress.


We’ve identified and addressed various issues, including some related to build info, fireball impact, sword slashes near walls, null reference exceptions, lifetime scopes desynchronization, and more. Rest assured, we’re committed to providing a stable and enjoyable gaming experience as development progresses.

Content Teaser:

Although the Island of Trials is currently disabled, we’re actively working on creating captivating adventures in the first concept of our dungeon. We’re excited to share more as development continues. We truly value your support and feedback as we navigate this incredible journey of game development. We want to be open about the fact that not everything is fully polished yet, and we rely on your valuable input to make the game even better. Thank you for joining us on this adventure, and we look forward to your continued participation in shaping the game.

Happy exploring, Gbros Games


Infinity Tower 0.0.86.exe 174 MB
Jul 25, 2023

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